
Current Research

In 2024, African Health will be collaborating with the University of Technology Research to conduct a study on health literacy. This research initiative aims to explore the effectiveness of communication between medical professionals and patients in order to identify potential gaps in understanding and knowledge. Our team of doctors and health professionals will participate in focus groups where they will provide insights on common issues encountered during medical consultations and how patients respond to and engage with health information.

Through this collaboration, we hope to shed light on the importance of health literacy in improving health outcomes and empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their well-being. By examining the communication dynamics between healthcare providers and patients, we aim to develop strategies and interventions that can bridge the gap between medical advice and patient comprehension. Ultimately, our goal is to enhance the overall healthcare experience for patients and promote better health outcomes for the community.

This research partnership with the University of Technology Research reflects African Health's commitment to advancing knowledge and understanding in the field of health literacy. By working together with academic institutions, we aim to contribute valuable insights that can inform future healthcare practices and policies. Through this collaborative effort, we hope to pave the way for improved communication, engagement, and understanding in healthcare delivery, ultimately leading to better health outcomes for all.

If you’d like to participate in the project or want to know more about the project, please email Dr Abela Mahimbo at 

You may also click the link below to be directed to the study website.